Between preparing your teaching, wrangling up enough volunteers, and calculating how many pizzas you need to order – you’ve got enough to worry about!
What game you’re going to play tonight shouldn’t be one of them.
Because when it comes to games, we’ve got you covered!
You might be able to come up with a list of things that fit into one category – but what about two categories?
Were you good at matching games when you were younger? If so, you might be great at this game – but maybe not.
We’ve almost solved the puzzle…Can you help us figure out the five letter answer based on our incorrect guesses?
Walt Streams What
You will be given the actual movie description from a real Disney+ movie followed by three movie title options. You have to choose the correct title.
Name That Movie 2
Each round pick one person to guess the movie. The rest of the group acts out the movie to help the guesser figure out what the movie is.
In Backwords, each round you need to answer a simple question by yelling the answer backward.
Sounds Like
Each round you need to make the sound described on the slide. See who can make the sound faster or better than the rest!
Word Find 2
We’ll give you 15 letters and your job is simple: come up with as many words using those letters as you can.
Name That Movie
Each round pick one person to guess the movie. The rest of the group acts out the movie to help the guesser figure out what the movie is.
I Would Rather 2
Each round you’re given 2 activities. You pick the activity you would rather do. You can only pick one.
On the Menu
Each round you yell out food that has the specified characteristic. The first person with a correct answer wins!