Between preparing your teaching, wrangling up enough volunteers, and calculating how many pizzas you need to order – you’ve got enough to worry about!
What game you’re going to play tonight shouldn’t be one of them.
Because when it comes to games, we’ve got you covered!
Can you memorize the puzzle pieces that make up these images? We’ll show you the puzzle, and then let you figure out the missing puzzle piece.
Syllable Schmyllable
Each round, the answer has one syllable that has been replaced by a rhyming word. Use the given clue to figure out the answer.
The rules are simple: Memorize the screen. Complete a verbal challenge. Answer a question about what you memorized. But the game is harder than it sounds!
One vs Many
Answering age-old questions like: Which weighs more the Empire State Building or 108 million paper clips?
Flip Flabble
In this interactive, on-your-feet small group game teams compete to spell out the word that matches the clue on the screen – using their bodies as the letter tiles (printable letters included).
Look at each pixelated image and try to guess what it is. The quicker you guess, the more points you get!
Over Under
Students are given facts that feature incorrect numbers – they simply have to determine if the correct number is OVER or UNDER the number they were given.
Chicken or the Egg – Inventions
It’s simple: we’ll show you two inventions, and all you have to do is decide which was invented first.
The Opposite Game
Do the opposite of whatever the screen tells you to do. Be quick, but not too fast….One wrong move and you’re out!
Over Under – Social Media
Students are given social media facts that feature incorrect numbers – they simply have to determine if the correct number is OVER or UNDER the number they were given.
It’s simple: Find a partner. Yell the sound effect. Whoever yells first wins. Ties are won by whoever yelled loudest.
Biggest Winner
A lot of people have won Superbowls, Grammys, and basketball games – but you have to decide who has won the MOST.